Andre Courchesne -
44 rue du Parc-Woodland
Lery, Quebec, Canada
J6N 1E3
If you are outside Canada, make sure that you make the custom documentation show that the unit is being sent for repair with a value of no more than 75$CAD.
We suggest avoiding UPS as the carrier and use USPS (USA), Fedex or DHL.
A tracking number is highly recommended. We are not responsible for lost packages. If the chosen carrier loses your package, and you do not have a tracking number, you will have lost your sensor, sorry.
Your sensor must be in working condition when received. If the sensor is not working (screen broken, CO2 sensor defective), additional charges may occur to perform the upgrade. In such case, we will be contacting you to discuss the issue.
Your new sensor will keep the original purchase date warranty period, as we are reusing the processor and CO2 sensor module.
Since the form factor of the v2 is different, you can not re-use the v1 desk stand or wall mount. You can buy the new v2 desk stand and/or wall mount at the same time as paying for the upgrade.